by amministrazione | 14 July 2020
Imadaddin Nasimi – Liriche introduction by Ramiz Mekhtiev «Today you call me Nasimi, but I am a hashimita, a quraysh. I am less than my glory, but glory will not contain me» THE BOOK: Imadaddin Nasimi’s poetry is a continuous search to go back to the...
by amministrazione | 1 April 2020
Eduard Limonov – Ora zero // Coming soon This book of poems wouldn’t cause a scandal because of his provocations, but because of the fighter’s intimacy finally laid bare. «Limonov is a poet who, more than the others, realised that the philosophical clairvoyance...
by amministrazione | 1 April 2020
Il cosmismo под редакцией: С.Г. Семёнова, А.Г. Гачевапредисловие: Сильвана Тальягамбе «Человек – это переходное существо в еще незавершенном процессе роста, но он также является сознательным творческим существом, призванным доминировать не только во внешнем...
by amministrazione | 8 October 2019
Giuliano Bifolchi – Geopolitica del Caucaso russo To better understand the Russian Federation, it is necessary to analyse the most complex and turbulent region of its immense territory. This text is a fundamental and comprehensive guide to discover the North...
by amministrazione | 8 October 2019
Maria Khodynskaya-Golenischeva – Syria. The path from war to peace A precious book to examine the complex Middle Eastern situation in all its aspects. THE BOOK: Russian diplomat Maria Khodynskaya-Golenischeva analyses the background and the main causes of the...