by amministrazione | 27 September 2022
Daniil Charms – Incendio edited by Simonetta De Bartolopreface by Paolo NoriIntroduction by Valerij Sažin “It’s hard to talk about Charms to someone who doesn’t know anything about it. Charms is a long thing with underfoot. The literature of...
by amministrazione | 27 June 2022
Aleksej Puškov – Da Gorbačëv a Putin. Geopolitica della Russia preface by Paolo De Nardis From the end of the USSR to the serious deterioration of relations with the West. Thirty years of Kremlin politics described by an exceptional protagonist. A fundamental...
by amministrazione | 27 June 2022
Emre Araci – Giuseppe Donizetti. Il Pascià bergamasco edited by Nicola Verderamepreface by Giuliano Regonesiintroduction by Paolo Fabbri For the first time in Italian the biography of Giuseppe Donizetti, composer from Bergamo and Ottoman pasha. An artist...
by amministrazione | 27 June 2022
Pёtr Aven – L’epoca di Berezovskij. La Russia degli oligarchi? A book that for the first time sheds light on the tragic and heady nineties, the most painful and removed decade of contemporary Russia, marked by desperate poverty and brazen luxury. An...
by amministrazione | 27 June 2022
Sergio Romano – Il suicidio dell’Urss preface by Luciano Canfora introduction by Ezio Mauro «L’impero si è letteralmente disintegrato un giorno feriale. Un mercoledì qualsiasi». Vasilij Rozanov, L’Apocalisse del nostro tempo A trent’anni dal “suicidio”...