Kamal Abdulla – Il manoscritto incompleto

Kamal Abdulla – Il manoscritto incompleto

Kamal Abdulla – Il manoscritto incompleto foreword: Franco Cardini Il manoscritto incompleto is the book selected by Il Sole 24 Ore Daily Magazine  for publishing in Summer, 2014: from June, 29th to September, 7th the adapted version of the novel was published...
Magda Poli – Le donne che hanno fatto le donne

Magda Poli – Le donne che hanno fatto le donne

Magda Poli – Le donne che hanno fatto le donne BOOK: Non-conformist extraordinary biographies of Nilde Iotti, Lina Merlin, Carla Lonzi and many other women are the contents of a theatre play named Women Who Created Women. The focus is on personalities who hit...
Various Authors // Italia Underground

Various Authors // Italia Underground

Various Authors // Italia Underground edited by Angelo Mastrandrea BOOK: In this book Italy shout through the voices of the most courageous narrators of the national literary circles. From places situated “on the edge” of Italian cities, borderline stories and...
Aleksej Kara-Murza – Russian Rome

Aleksej Kara-Murza – Russian Rome

Aleksej Kara-Murza – Russian Rome foreword: Rita Giuliani BOOK: The history of cultural relationships between Rome and Russia extends back over a thousand years. Dense and prolific bonds between the two realities brought the parties to get closer and to keep the...