by amministrazione | 11 October 2016
Galina Sapožnikova – La congiura lituana. Come uccisero l’Urss e cosa accadde a chi tentò di salvarla foreword: Giulietto Chiesa THE BOOK: What happened on the night of January 13th, 1991 at the television tower in Vilnius? Those events are recalled by many...
by amministrazione | 5 July 2016
Kamal Abdulla – La valle dei maghi foreword: Franco Cardini «A breath-taking novel that cannot be read on the beach». This is the definition Umberto Eco gave to An Incomplete Manuscript, the first book by Kamal Abdulla published in Italy where it had a...
by amministrazione | 22 March 2016
Guy Mettan – Russofobia. Mille anni di diffidenza foreword: Franco Cardini BOOK: The measures taken and the accusations laid by western governments, mass media and public opinion against Russia and Russian president due to the Ukrainian crisis of 2014 and the...
by amministrazione | 1 December 2015
Olzhas Suleimenov – Dal Segno al Suono – per una preistoria del linguaggio foreword: Aldo Ferrari BOOK: From a sign to a sound is a trip to the prehistory of words in search of their origin and creation. The pages of the book, as if it were a novel, deal...
by amministrazione | 8 October 2015
Hafiz Pashayev – Memorie di un ambasciatore foreword: Alessandro Politi In 1991, in an editorial cartoon appeared on the pages of the Washington Post, the White House officer for the relationships with Azerbaijan; speaking on the phone to his wife; asks her:...