by amministrazione | 29 September 2014
Simcha Rotem – La Shoah in me. Memorie di un combattente del ghetto di Varsavia foreword: Gad Lerner BOOK: The Warsaw ghetto uprising is a historic event of extraordinary importance narrated in the first person by the last fighter still alive. The novel is based...
by amministrazione | 25 June 2014
Various Authors – Le relazioni internazionali dell’Azerbaigian foreword: Vittorio Emanuele Parsi Azerbaijan, one of the engines of European and Asian economy, has its attention focused on innovation and modernity. This book has the goal of informing readers...
by amministrazione | 24 June 2014
Ulderico Rinaldini – Julija Timošenko, la conquista dell’Ucraina foreword: Alessandro Politi BOOK: Julija Timošenko’s rise and fall: starting from her entrepreneurship endeavors in the Ukraine of the nineties, her nationalist turning point and her...
by amministrazione | 16 May 2014
Various Authors – Azerbaigian e Unione europea foreword: Stefano Bianchini In these recent years, Azerbaijan, situated in a strategic position, on the crossroads of eventual conflicts and in the middle of the world’s greatest powers, has become an...
by amministrazione | 23 July 2013
Mikhail Talalay – Dal Caucaso agli Appennini. Gli azerbaigiani nella Resistenza italiana foreword: Valentino Parlato The contribution of Azerbaijani people to the defeat of fascism was decisive: out of the whole population numbering, in 1941, 3,4 million...