by amministrazione | 25 May 2017
Myriam Cristallo – Uscir fuori. Dieci anni di lotte omosessuali in Italia: 1971-1981 introduction by Ivan Scalfarotto afterworld by Benedetto Della Vedova THE BOOK: FUORI! was the first Italian Omosexual Association born in 1971 thanks to the commitment of...
by amministrazione | 14 April 2017
Giovanni Bensi – Il mito del califfato. Le radici indiane dell’Isis «There is a widespread misunderstanding further to which sources of radical Islam are born in the Middle East, Israel and Palestine. That’s not true, indeed. The Indian subcontinent is...
by amministrazione | 26 January 2017
Lisa Pelacchi – Il Calendario del Popolo e la formazione dei militanti comunisti nel Dopoguerra preface by Luciana Castellina The story of an extraordinary publisher, one of a kind in the whole communist publishing spectrum, Il Calendario del Popolo, one of the...
by amministrazione | 11 October 2016
Galina Sapožnikova – La congiura lituana. Come uccisero l’Urss e cosa accadde a chi tentò di salvarla foreword: Giulietto Chiesa THE BOOK: What happened on the night of January 13th, 1991 at the television tower in Vilnius? Those events are recalled by many...
by amministrazione | 22 March 2016
Guy Mettan – Russofobia. Mille anni di diffidenza foreword: Franco Cardini BOOK: The measures taken and the accusations laid by western governments, mass media and public opinion against Russia and Russian president due to the Ukrainian crisis of 2014 and the...