by amministrazione | 2 December 2020
Carlo Fredduzzi – I ragazzi di Leningrado. Memorie di uno studente italiano in Urss The unique experience of some Italian students who, at the beginning of the Sixties, in the middle of the Cold War, crossed the Iron Curtain to study in the Soviet Union.A...
by amministrazione | 1 April 2020
Il cosmismo под редакцией: С.Г. Семёнова, А.Г. Гачевапредисловие: Сильвана Тальягамбе «Человек – это переходное существо в еще незавершенном процессе роста, но он также является сознательным творческим существом, призванным доминировать не только во внешнем...
by amministrazione | 8 October 2019
Giuliano Bifolchi – Geopolitica del Caucaso russo To better understand the Russian Federation, it is necessary to analyse the most complex and turbulent region of its immense territory. This text is a fundamental and comprehensive guide to discover the North...
by amministrazione | 8 October 2019
Maria Khodynskaya-Golenischeva – Syria. The path from war to peace A precious book to examine the complex Middle Eastern situation in all its aspects. THE BOOK: Russian diplomat Maria Khodynskaya-Golenischeva analyses the background and the main causes of the...
by amministrazione | 8 October 2019
Evgenij Bertels – Il Grande Poeta Azerbaigiano Nizami Ganjavi introductive note by Nargiz Pashayeva introduction by Federico Pastore A milestone, a great classic for the study of the Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi. The book written by the famous Orientalist,...