Various Authors – Sentence Served. Notes on Jail

edited by Silvia Buzzelli

Looking through a dictionary, find the verb to serve. Do not get surprised: one of its meanings deals with sentence in the sense of “time spent in prison”. It is exactly the point where the project “Notes on Jail” starts. The book is completed with a documentary film named A Sentece Served by Germano Macioni supplied on DVD. Starring: Francesco Maisto.

BOOK: Everything in jail is “scontato” (in Italian: “served”, but also “taken for granted”). But nothing is really being taken for granted. This paradox makes many people think about the subject: penitentiaries’ directors, teachers, University professors, European experts, lawyers and other specialists. The project is split in two parts as “to write” and “to see” are both extremely important actions if they are done in jail. Then, a presence of a director/actor becomes necessary (an artist is sensible, this is his nature, he is accustomed to wait and to identify himself with someone else. An artist, maybe, can do it better than a lawyer: he interprets the core problem of any penitentiary question: the presence of a prisoner’s body inside a bureaucratic, hypocritical and contradictory instituition whose goal is to punish without suffering. But things change from one jail to another, and cages/cells are different, too. What if the problem was the cage?

EDITOR: Silvia Buzzelli teaches penitentiary right and European and supranational penal proceedings at Bicocca State University of Milan. She is a part of the Committee founded by the Convention existing between the above University and the Penitentiary Administration Department (Lombard Education Agency) for cooperation in the following fields: science, culture and education.

author: Various Authors
title: A Sentence Served. Notes on Jail
edited by Silvia Buzzelli
completed with writings by Mauro Palma, Silvia Buzzelli, Claudia Pecorella, Fabio Cassibba, Elena Lombardi Vallauri, Stefania Mussio, Elena Zeni, Ercole Ongaro, Marco Verdone, Massimo Filippi, Luigi Lombardi Vallauri
pages: 160
price: 20,00 € (book & DVD)
ISBN: 9788888249438
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