Guerra in Ucraina. Cause, conseguenze, retroscena

edited by Elisabetta Burba
essays by Alberto Bradanini, Elisabetta Burba, Paolo Calzini, Luciano Canfora, Toni Capuozzo, Franco Cardini, Maurizio Carta, Giacomo Gabellini, Gianandrea Gaiani, Gian Micalessin, Fabio Mini, Moni Ovadia, Umberto Vattani

THE BOOK: The war in Ukraine explained, in its many aspects, through the contributions of authoritative experts and analysts, different in political color and cultural background. An indispensable tool for understanding, without prejudice or ideological approaches, the dramatic ongoing conflict.
Like the tiles of a mosaic, the 14 interventions address history, media, geopolitics, religion, economy and military strategy, outlining the complexity of the Ukrainian situation and the international situation.

The book contains essays by Alberto Bradanini, Elisabetta Burba, Paolo Calzini, Luciano Canfora, Toni Capuozzo, Franco Cardini, Maurizio Carta, Giacomo Gabellini, Gianandrea Gaiani, Gian Micalessin, Fabio Mini, Moni Ovadia, Umberto Vattani

Elisabetta Burba Investigative journalist from Milan. Originally from Carnia, a meeting point between Latin, Slavic and Central European civilisations, she has always been attracted by borders. For Epoca she began to follow the conflicts that broke out following the collapse of the USSR. After the birth of her two children, she was head of Panorama‘s foreign section for 12 years. Graduated in Literature at the University of Milan, she studied at the University of Wisconsin, the London School of Economics and the Polytechnic of Milan. She taught at the University of Insubria and at the Marlborough College Summer School. Winner of the Saint Vincent Prize, she has collaborated with the BBC, CNN, CBS and The Wall Street Journal. In 1996 she went to Bosnia as an OSCE electoral supervisor and returned for the October 2022 elections.

title: Guerra in Ucraina. Cause, conseguenze, retroscena
edited by Elisabetta Burba
pages: 232
price: 18,00 €
ISBN: 9788831492676

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