Evgenij Bertels – Il Grande Poeta Azerbaigiano Nizami Ganjavi

introductive note by Nargiz Pashayeva

introduction by Federico Pastore

A milestone, a great classic for the study of the Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi. The book written by the famous Orientalist, Iranist, Turkologist Evgenii Berthels is translated for the first time in Italian language.

THE BOOK: This book offers the reader the chance to get closer to the works of the Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi, not only through the narration of noteworthy moments of his life, but also through a detailed description of the contest in which he lived. Since he wrote in Persian language, his name is special both to Azerbaijani and Iranian people. Nizami was a scientist, a poet, a humanist, a incorruptible intellectual leaving in Ganja. The book represents a useful mean to spread the knowledge about this cultural giant all over Italy. Recently, a monument has been dedicated to Ganjavi in the centre of Rome.

Evgenij Bertels (1890-1957) was a member of the Academy of Sciences of the URSS, a Sovietic orientalist (Iranist and Turkologist), professor of the Leningrad State University. Among his most famous publishings figures The great azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi and the Encyclopaedia of Islam. His studies on Sufism are influent all over the world.

Nargiz Pashayeva is Vice-President of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University’s Baku branch. She founded the Nizami Ganjavi Scientific Centre for Study of Azerbaijan and the Caucasus at the University of Oxford. She also leads the Nargis Magazine.

Press review
author: Evgenij Bertels
title: Il Grande Poeta Azerbaigiano Nizami Ganjavi
introductive note: Nargiz Pashayeva
introduction and translation by Federico Pastore
pages: 176
price: 18,00 €
ISBN: 9788899918828
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