Franco Ferrarotti and Maria Immacolata Macioti – Suburbs: from Problem to a Resource

foreword: Flavio Albanese

BOOK: Suburbs: confrontations, struggles, contaminations. But, as well: accepting and understanding  the other, the one who is different. Thoughts inspired by the images and by the research work done by Franco Ferrarotti and Maria Immacolata Macioti, a critical glance at the reality of the suburbs of yesterday and of today. A survey, a journey towards those city areas on the whole planet where indetermination reigns together with creativity and vivacity that turn suburbs from dormitories into true urban aggregation places. This is a new and conscious approach to cities of the world studied and compared: banlieiu, slums, favelas and Roman “periferias”: from their degradation in the past to their being resources in the future.

EDITORS: Franco Ferrarotti, sociologist and intellectual, is the founder of magazines Quaderni di sociologia (“Copybooks on sociology”) and La critica sociologica (“Sociological critics”). He has been deputy of the Italian parliament. Since then he dedicates himself to an academic career becoming the first Italian full professor of sociology at the State University of Rome. He wins a lot of awards, e.g., the one of the Lincei Academy. He is the author of many essays and articles. Today he is a Professor Emeritus of La Sapienza State University of Rome.
Maria Immacolata Macioti has been an ordinary professor of Sociology of cultural processes and a teacher of the following Departments of  La Sapienza State University of Rome: Political sciences, Sociology and Communication. She has been the Vice President of the Federate University of Human Sciences, Arts and Environment. Today she coordinates the Office of Sociology of religions at AIS (Italian Association for Sociology).

It is a really interesting book to observe the suburbs changed in the recent years. It helps us to see how aggregation places moved from parishes and squares to supermarkets creating less attachment to the territory.

Il Recensore

Close worlds that have never communicated. The authors examine them throwing their glance at the recent history to undertand the further development.


Suburbs that from a problem in the past turn into a resource in the future is a book and a manifest describing the tensions of a contemporary city with wit and intellectual honesty.

il manifesto

author: Franco Ferrarotti and Maria Immacolata Macioti
title: Suburbs: from problem to a resource
edited by Franco Ferrarotti and Maria Immacolata Macioti
foreword: Flavio Albanese
introduction: Khaled Fouad Allam
pages: 176
price: 17,00 €
ISBN: 9788888249179
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